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Capitol Day 2024: Power To The People!


Join Clean Water Action and allies from across the state on Wednesday, April 24th in Lansing to call on our lawmakers to ban monopoly utilities and government contractors from making political donations!

Right now, monopoly utilities like DTE and Consumers Energy spend millions of dollars influencing our elections and our democracy. If we want democracy to work for our environment, they must be held accountable. Bills were introduced to do just that and on April 24th, we're excited to join fellow members of the Taking Back Our Power coalition, other organizations, and residents from across the state in asking our lawmakers to pledge support and act to pass these needed reforms! 

Taking Back Our Power will be joining advocates for universal healthcare and reproductive freedom for all to meet with lawmakers, rally to show support, and join our voices so our messages and priorities are heard.  Lunch will be provided for those registered and busses are available leaving at 7am from Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, and Flint. This is an event you will not want to miss!



What will happen if these bills become law?

The legislation we are supporting would ban monopoly utilities and government contractors from contributing to political entities like 501(c)4s, 527s, PACs, Candidate Committees, and Candidates. If passed, they would remove an estimated 70-90% of the dark money contributions that are currently spent in our elections. Similar legislation has been passed in other states and has been held up in court, so we know that this can be done.  

Section 1 of the Michigan Constitution says "all political power is inherent in the people". Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection. So why should we let unaccountable corporations that receive government funding through our tax dollars continue to have the kind of outsized influence on our political process that they have had for far too long?

This is an important fight and it is a just fight, but we know it will not be an easy fight. We will be taking on some of the most powerful corporations in Michigan, and it will take thousands of people from across our state speaking out and working together to change the equation. Take action today to protect our voice in our democracy and join us in-person on April 24th to advocate for these bills to be passed so we can take back our power! 



Grewal Hall
224 S Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48933
United States

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Related Priorities

Taking Back Our Power in Michigan - Act Now!

We can no longer allow monopoly corporations and corporations seeking state contracts to buy their way out of accountability and drown out the voice of the people. The Taking Back Our Power coalition is working to pass a Michigan state law that comprehensively prohibits these corporations from making state or local political contributions. Add your name in support!
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